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How To Prevent Your Elderly Parent from Falling

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Elderly woman on stairs in a precarious position

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury and death among older adults. In fact, 1 out of every 4 adults aged 65 and above experience a fall each year. As our parents get older, they become more susceptible to falls due to changes in their physical abilities, medication side effects, and environmental hazards.

As caregivers, it is important to take proactive measures to prevent our elderly parents from falling. Here are some tips on how we can help keep our loved ones safe and reduce the risk of falls.

  1. Encourage Regular Exercise
  2. Review Medication Side Effects
  3. Ensure Safety at Home
  4. Regular Eye Exams and Foot Care
  5. Assistive Devices and Modifications
  6. Promote a Healthy Diet and Adequate Hydration

1. Encourage Regular Exercise

Physical activity is crucial in maintaining balance, strength, and flexibility as we age. Encouraging our elderly parents to engage in regular exercise can help improve their overall physical health and reduce their risk of falling. Simple activities like walking, tai chi, or water aerobics can significantly improve balance and coordination.

Walking, for instance, is a low-impact exercise that keeps the cardiovascular system active. Tai chi, known for its slow and deliberate movements, enhances mental focus and body awareness. Water aerobics, performed in a pool, provides resistance that strengthens muscles while being gentle on the joints. By incorporating such exercises into their routine, elderly individuals can enjoy improved mobility and greater independence.

2. Review Medication Side Effects

Certain medications can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, or blurred vision, which can significantly increase the risk of falls, especially in older adults. As caregivers, it is crucial to regularly review our parent’s medications with their healthcare provider to identify and understand any potential side effects that might be harmful.

This review process helps ensure that the medications are still appropriate and effective. If a medication is causing such symptoms, it may need to be adjusted or changed to a safer alternative. Always communicate openly with healthcare providers to find the best options for maintaining the health and safety of our loved ones.

3. Ensure Safety at Home

Making sure that our parent’s home is free of hazards can go a long way in preventing falls and ensuring their safety. Some simple yet effective ways to make their living environment safer include:

  • Removing clutter and tripping hazards such as loose rugs, cords, and any unnecessary items that could cause someone to trip and fall.
  • Installing grab bars in the bathroom near the toilet and shower, as well as handrails on both sides of any staircases to provide additional support and stability.
  • Adequate lighting of walkways, staircases, and any other frequently used pathways, including adding night lights in hallways and bedrooms to prevent accidents during nighttime.

Taking these steps not only helps in preventing falls but also provides peace of mind knowing that our parents are living in a safer environment.

4. Regular Eye Exams & Foot Care

Impaired vision can significantly increase the risk of falls, so it is important for our elderly parents to have regular eye exams. This ensures that they have the correct prescription for their glasses or contact lenses, which helps them see more clearly and navigate their surroundings safely. Regular eye exams can detect other vision-related issues such as glaucoma, cataracts, or macular degeneration early on, allowing for timely treatment.

Proper foot care is also essential in preventing falls, as foot problems such as bunions or calluses can affect balance and mobility. Seniors should routinely check their feet for any signs of issues and consult a podiatrist if necessary. Wearing well-fitted, supportive shoes can also help maintain stability and reduce the risk of tripping or slipping.

5. Assistive Devices & Modifications

Elderly woman with a rolling-walker looking aside

Using assistive devices such as canes, walkers, or handrails can provide extra support and stability for our elderly parents. These tools can significantly enhance their mobility and confidence, allowing them to navigate their daily activities more safely. It is important to make sure these devices are properly fitted to their height and strength and regularly maintained to ensure they function effectively.

Home modifications, such as installing a stairlift or shower seat, can also be immensely helpful in reducing the risk of falls. These modifications can make daily tasks easier and safer for our aging parents, promoting their independence and peace of mind.

6. Encourage a Healthy Diet

A well-balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D can help strengthen bones and reduce the risk of fractures from falls. Encourage our elderly parents to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich foods such as lean meats, dairy products, and legumes. Incorporating fortified foods like certain cereals and orange juice can also boost their vitamin D intake. It is important to limit alcohol intake too as it can increase the risk of falls and negatively impact bone health.

Proper hydration is also crucial in maintaining good health and preventing falls. Make sure our elderly loved ones have easy access to water throughout the day, especially during warmer weather or if they take certain medications that can cause dehydration.

Promoting Safety & Healthy Aging at Harrison Bay Senior Living

Taking proactive measures to prevent falls in our elderly parents can greatly improve their quality of life and reduce the risk of serious injuries. By incorporating regular exercise, assistive devices, home modifications, and a healthy diet, we can help our aging loved ones maintain their independence and stay safe.

At Harrison Bay Senior Living, we understand the importance of fall prevention and offer various fitness programs, assistance with activities of daily living, and a safe living environment for our residents. Contact us today to learn more about how we can provide a secure and comfortable home for your elderly loved one. Let’s work together towards fall prevention and promote healthy aging! 

Written by Lifespark

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