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Category: Health

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How To Prevent Your Elderly Parent from Falling

Elderly woman on stairs in a precarious position

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury and death among older adults. In fact, 1 out of every 4 adults aged 65 and above experience a fall each year. As our parents get older, they become more susceptible to falls due to changes in their […]

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Top 5 Physical Activities Designed for Seniors

Dancing Whether it’s salsa, ballroom, jazz, or any other genre, dancing to your favorite music is an excellent way to stay in shape, as it combines endurance, cardio, and flexibility exercises into one routine. Millions of Americans are engaged in dancing as an exercise every year, and our passionate staff and caregivers are more than […]

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5 Ways Community Living Helps Seniors

Being independent and free is a value that we all cherish, but whether it’s because of new-age or we’re just looking for a change of scenery, many of us begin to look into the benefits of living with others. Lifespark Senior Living is founded on community support and positive senior experiences, and we pride ourselves […]

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