Assisted Living at Harrison Bay in Mound

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Making Your Comfort a Priority

Assisted Living at Harrison Bay provides options for individuals that need and appreciate more personalized care. With a variety of living options, home care services, and amenities, we can tailor a specialized experience to meet your individual needs.

When comfort and convenience take precedence in your life, we can help. At Harrison Bay, you’ll no longer need to worry about snow removal, lawn care, or home maintenance. We offer options with varying levels of assistance based on your needs, and as they change, so will the services we provide.

What Assisted Living Means

When you’re part of our Assisted Living community, you can enjoy person-centered care developed to every member’s unique needs.

You can take advantage of opportunities to socialize in our bistro, participate in various clubs, attend worship services, or exercise in our fitness facilities. If you’d like to go on an outing, we provide a handicap-accessible bus to transport you to and from your favorite places, such as a movie theatre or restaurant.

With Assisted Living, you will have the option to delicious meal plan programs provided by a chef. You will also have access to housekeeping and laundry services.

  • You’re finding it difficult to maintain a healthy diet by cooking and shopping for groceries regularly.
  • You are having mobility or balance problems.
  • You’re having trouble maintaining good personal hygiene.
  • Household upkeep, such as cleaning and tidying, are becoming difficult to manage.
  • You’re finding yourself forgetting things from time to time.
  • It’s becoming challenging to socialize with family and friends.

Comprehensive Services & Community Amenities

When you’re with us at Harrison Bay, we want your experience to be comfortable and pleasant. We offer a wide selection of comprehensive services and amenities to enrich your stay with us.


  • Meal Options Available
  • 24-hour staff
  • Access to housekeeping and laundry services
  • Personal care options
  • Emergency response capabilities
  • Safety check-ins
  • Health and wellness programs to keep you active and healthy
  • Social and recreational activities to foster relationships and enjoyment
  • Educational and spiritual opportunities to exercise the mind and soul

Communal Amenities

  • Pub and bistro to watch sports, play cards, and socialize
  • Private dining room to entertain family and friends
  • Great room for entertaining and recreational activities
  • Grand bath with whirlpool spa
  • Fitness and wellness room
  • Courtyard
  • Chapel
  • Salon

Apartment Amenities

  • Studio, 1, and 2-bedroom apartments available
  • Balconies on select apartment homes
  • Washer and dryer in all 1 and 2-bedroom apartments
  • Custom blinds
  • Full kitchen package with range, refrigerator, and microwave
  • Individually controlled temperature settings
  • All utilities (excluding telephone), including basic TV satellite package
  • Controlled access entry system

Why Choose Harrison Bay?

Harrison Bay offers unique and dynamic programming. We continuously add new activities and events to our robust calendar, offering more of what our residents want. And of course, you can participate as much as you like.

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Whether it’s independent living, memory care, or something in between, we offer a range of lifestyle choices to give you the perfect level of care. We’ll advocate for your independence and make sure you have the support you need when you need it.

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Our community is equipped with advanced technology to keep you safe and healthy. From air purification to medical-grade surface protectants, we take the necessary steps to protect you from illness and pollutants.

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Discover Harrison Bay Senior Living

Visit our Community

We look forward to showing you what we’re all about. You’ll find us just off Commerce Boulevard, across from Harrison Bay.


Email Us

Our Address

1861 Commerce Boulevard
Mound, MN 55364

Call Us

Phone: 6124308150

Hours Of Operation

9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
By Appointment
By Appointment

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